Electroencephalogram (EEG)
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a sophisticated diagnostic test measuring electrical waves, function and irritability of the brain. Like the EKG is invaluable in assessing the electrical function of the heart, the EEG is invaluable in assessing the electrical function of the brain. It is medically necessary in the diagnosis of seizure disorders, cerebral irritability or cerebral slowing. Unlike the EKG which is a single channel and can be read by a number of practitioners, the EEG is 16 channels and requires specialized training to coordinate and interpret large amount of data acquired, expertise which only a Neurologist possesses. I had the pleasure of completing a fellowship in epilepsy/EEG/evoked potentials with Dr. Eugene Ramsey while he was Professor of Neurology at the University of Miami in this regard and have 25 years of clinical experience in interpretation of these studies.